Rebecca's Values

Creating Quality, High-Paying Jobs
Amidst a number of job destroyers currently holding office, Rebecca is a rare job creator. Not only does she work to create business-friendly legislation for our working men and women of New Mexico, but she has a proven record in creating jobs, having founded AppleTree Educational Center, Sierra County’s largest employer. Rebecca knows what it’s like to sign the front of a check, not just the back.

Rebecca wants to give New Mexicans back the power over their own lives and get rid of the senseless business taxes and burdensome mandates that have been responsible for sending our jobs over to Arizona and Texas for years now. It's time for a New Mexico comeback!

Defending Our God-given Right to Bear Arms
Rebecca recognizes that the Second Amendment is not only a right afforded to us under the Constitution, but it is also a way of life for many New Mexicans who grew up hunting and legally owning a firearm to protect their family.

But progressive politicians in Santa Fe only care about their own agenda, pushing sweeping and ultra-restrictive gun legislation including red flag laws through the Roundhouse. Sheriffs across the state spoke up against these new laws, calling them unenforceable and unconstitutional. Rebecca stood arm-in-arm with them to fight back, leading almost every county in the state to declare themselves a “Second Amendment Sanctuary.”

In 2020, Rebecca took action to take back the values that are ingrained in New Mexico’s “Western Way of Life” by recruiting Sheriffs to join her coalition dubbed the “Save Our Western Way of Life” PAC. This group is comprised of law enforcement, ag producers, outfitters and guides, and hardworking New Mexicans to elect freedom-focused candidates for office. Rebecca will work to roll back the radical gun laws that undermine the Constitution and she will remain strong in supporting law enforcement to work toward a safer New Mexico.

Standing Up to Democrats’ Radical Abortion Agenda
New Mexico has a reputation as the late-term abortion capital of the nation. Even so, the Democrats in Santa Fe fought to expand abortion access, including forcing the repeal of a “conscience clause” which states that doctors may refuse to provide an abortion if it is against their conscience or deeply held beliefs. Rebecca stood up against this bill and spoke about the life-changing moment she had of hearing the heartbeat of her daughter at age 19. Rebecca knows New Mexicans don’t believe we should be aborting children in the third trimester or that we should be forcing doctors to perform abortion. She will fight for the Constitutional right to life and pull back the reins on the radical abortion agenda that is hurting families in New Mexico.

Supporting Our Oil, Gas and Mining Industries
Since they’ve taken control of the Roundhouse, Democrats have chipped away at the industries like oil, gas and mining. These industries have provided our state with good, consistent jobs and a bountiful budget to fund education and other programs, but Santa Fe Democrats have repaid the favor by wrapping them up in layers and layers of red tape under the guise of “saving the environment.”

Rebecca believes that protecting the beauty of New Mexico does not mean limiting the state’s job opportunities or stunting the economy. When Democrats were working to place harmful regulations on the oil and gas industry after it provided New Mexico with one of the biggest budget surpluses in state history, Rebecca fought back saying, “It doesn’t make any sense to trade a booming industry that delivers millions for our schools in exchange for over-regulation in the oil fields and our classrooms.”

Fighting Disastrous Tax Increases
In just the past two years, progressive liberal politicians raised taxes on small business owners and middle-class working individuals. Even when New Mexico enjoyed one of the largest budget surpluses in history, they still raised taxes on our citizens.

New Mexico will not recover if we continue to stick businesses and residents with more and more taxes. Rebecca has been a champion for New Mexico taxpayers. One legislative session, Rebecca was a sponsor for a bill that eliminates social security income tax. This is just one example of her dedication to making New Mexico an attractive state for people to work, live, and retire.

Providing Education Opportunities and Childhood Development
Rebecca has an extensive background in education from both a professional and a policy standpoint. She founded AppleTree Educational Center in Sierra County that provides not only early childcare and education services, but PreK, a private k-12 school, service learning, college and career preparation, and comprehensive family support.

She has worked across party lines to make sure schools have appropriate funding according to their unique needs, whether they’re in the heart of Albuquerque or rural New Mexico. Rebecca has brought forth a number of bills to better understand how school funding is used and to make sure that all children have the opportunity to succeed. Rebecca will continue to advocate for better education policy and spending so New Mexico can finally rise from the bottom of the national rankings.

Protecting Parental Rights
Politicians in the Roundhouse have wreaked havoc on the role parents play in their own children’s lives. Especially when it comes to education or medical decisions, parents should be in control, not some Santa Fe radicals in the government. The laws recently passed have shut parents out of important conversations that can now take place without their knowledge or consent, including discussions around sexual identity and abortion. Rebecca knows that when parents are involved in their children’s lives, they have more opportunities and a better chance for success. She will stop any effort to push parents out of the way and replace them with politicians who think they know better.

"New Mexico deserves someone someone willing to call out politicians on bad policy instead of creating more of it. Whether I’m in the Roundhouse or not, that’s what I’ve always done. Giving up or giving in is not in my nature. I’m not interested in playing politics. I want to bring back prosperity and good sense to Santa Fe.For our jobs, our children, and our freedom, you can bet I will be in the fight.
- Rebecca Dow